MIGU supplied olive leaf extract Oleuropein 10% ~40% and other standard purity and OEM service with analysis meets the EP, USP, JP, CP.....
Olive Leaf Extract Oleuropein 20% ~ 80%, Hydroxytyrosol 10%~40% offered by MIGU –a 17 years experienced cGMP manufacturer with warehosues in NJ & CA, USA.
Latin Name: Canarium album Raeusch.
Material Original: YunNan, China
Extracted Part: Leaves
Supported Purity: Olive Leaf Extract Oleuropein; Oleanolic acid; Hydroxytyrosol;Polyphenol
What is the Olive Leaf Extract ?
The Olive usually grow and are cultivated in Mediterrannean countries, Peru, South Australia and China. It is native
from the Sysia and Asia Minor. In ancient Egype, peope are first used the olive leaf as medically to cure the disease.
It is seen to by a heavenly power present in local. In Egypt, the olive leaf also used to mummify pharaohs. In the
early years, people are known as the leaf can be curing the drinking liquid for lowering fevers and the tea for
treatment the malaris on few decades years later. Many reputation reachers and scientific studies show that the
olive leaf can have the function to anti-sickness of human. They found that olive leaf extract ingredients have the
effective function of cure blood pressure, improve energy, immune system and etc.
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In the olive leaf, Scientistes can extract and isolated the oleuropein, polyphenol which can lower the blood pressure,
anti-cancer, anti-oxidatant, lower cholesterol, against the cognitive decline , anti-tumor, and etc. People can extract
aboundant of oleuropein, polyphenol and other ingredients from olive leaves. Which means people can get rich
oleuropein from the olive leaf no need to take the olive oil instead.
The specificatin purity provided by MIGU
specification of olive leaf extract.png
The GAP planted base in YunNan, China from MIGU
The Olive tree is native from South of China, cultivated in Fujian, TaiWan, GuangDong, GuangXi , YunNan and
etc. The wild olive tree are growing in valleys and slopes shaw under an altitude of 1300 meters. According its
growing character : prefer high temperature ( abrove 20℃), rainfall capacity between 1200-1400 mm, deep soil ,
good drainage of soil are suitable for the olive growing. Here are our GAP planted base in YunNan which rich
supplied for factory extract using.
planting base of olive leaf extract.png
The Processing of Olive Leaf Extract from MIGU
PS: 1. All of our wild/organic material must be cleaning before extracting
2. The water which is used for extracting is getting deep undergroud filtered water.
3. The solvent of water and acohol must be the Pharmaceutical Grade or food grade.
The benefits of Olive Leaf Extract from MIGU
Blood Pressure
An animal studies show that olive leaf extract can prevent and treat blood pressure in animals. It shows the
extract can improve blood flow of heart’s own coronary blood vessels through reducing left ventricle of heart’s
pressure. This results show that the olive leaf extract can reduce the blood pressure significantly. And an 2011
human study evidient, the Olive leaf extract have the same funciton of lower blood pressure or hypertension
as Captopril. People can get effecitve function for blood pressure after taking 500mg olive leaf extract twice per
day with 8 weeks. But we must pay attention for 2 sides . A is taking captopril not only reduce blood pressure
but take side effect like dizziness, dry cough and loss of taste. The olive leaf will not reduce these , but can
reducing bad cholesterol after taking. B The olive leaf extract and captopril can not taking together. You need
to ask your doctore before taking them.
One study showed that the olive leaf extract can treat the diabets and other chronic diseases.It is confirmed to
be as a diabetes natural treatment. The olive leaf extract can control the blood glucose levels to reduce the
blood pressure. Its polyphenols can suppressed the elevation of blood glucoses in human body to delaying the
production of sugar after taking starch.
For treating diabetis mainly to lowering the blood pressure and limiting and prevent blood sugar increase. The
olive leaf extract can act and reach above two results. From the animal and lab studies, the oleuropein of olive
leaf extract can lower the blood sugar through starches produce little and simple sugars and let this sugar slow
absorption by intestine, pretect oxidant damage of tissues. Also increase body antioxidant systems.
Studies showed that people take 500mg of olive leaf extract supplement daily can reduce or lower the level of
hemoglobin A1c which diabetic people with long time in elevated blood sugar.
Olive leaves extract can stop the growth of tumors through prevent the anqiogenic process.It is an natural cancer
treatment. The olive leaf extract oleuropein have the signification function of antioxidant and anti-angiogenic which
can prevent and stop the advanced tumor cells migration and reproduction. It also can slow the growth of breast
cancer, brain cancer and urinary bladder cancer.
We can the the mediterranean diet is very reputation for its signification of various aspects to reduce the risk of
cancerThe most important role act in it is olive oil ingredient oleuropein in it.Who is the key contents of anti-cancer’s
The olive leaf extract have the function of anti-inflammatory. It can cure and treat the swelling and pain which caused
from joints disearse–Arthritis. So it is knows as a natural arthritis remedy. One study on 2012, researchers found the
olive leaf extract can treat the rats and arthritis paw swelling because it have have anti-inflammation function in the
joint. Now our scientific researchers found our olive leaf extracts can prevent or stop the growing or development of
different various of arthritis like osteoarthritis, gout , rheumatoid arthritis.
One of the most common joint disease –Osteroarthritis impart more than 33 million American people especially adults.
Our studies conduced the olive leaf extracts can stop the chronic pain which combined with Osteroarthritis. And reduce
or prevent to produce and makes inflammatory process maker by the cytokines and enzymes.
Study found that the olive leaf extract have the function of protecting the central nervous system and brain which hurt or
damaged by Alzheimer, Parkinsons and etc belongs to strokes and old -aging series of conditions). They can reach the
results processing by their function of prevent inflammation and limit the oxidative stress damage. Our researchers
found that olive leaf extract provide function of protection for neurodegenerative illness.. The neurodegenerative
diseases usually induced the oxidative stress. The oxidative stress effects will be the whole lifetime of people, they can
induced the inflammation producing, and the abnormal proteins accumulated to interfere the brain function and kill
neurons. We found the olive leaf extract can stop these abnormal proteins accumulated to influence the neurofibrillary
tangles which occurs on the Alzheimer’s people brain or other diseases..
More Olive Leaf Extract function as below
Skin Protection Bacteria Killing
lose weight
The heartbeat of regulatory
Improved joint relief and wound healing
Side Effective & Interactions of Olive Leaf Extract
There is no evidence certified olive leaf extract cause any serious side effects by human taking. But people who
have low blood pressure taking the olive leaves can make illness which will lower more.And also if the olive leaf is
too effective or energy may cause stomach irritation.which suggested us should taking the products with lower
purity or by asking doctors.
Pregnant or breastfeeding will not suggested use olive leaf extract And do not use the olive leaf extract combine
with other reduce blood pressure drugs. For the olive have the function of antidiabetic and hypoglycaemic, we
need asked our doctors when you first time using olive extract for curing if you have diabetes or you are on
diabetic or blood pressure medication. More Scientific research and development , please check here